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Hi, I'm Lara!


For some background, I was born and raised in San Antonio, Texas, went to college at UT Austin for journalism, and then moved to NYC. It wasn't until I was there and in my first adult longterm relationship that I realized how anxious I was and that I didn’t know how to healthily process emotions.


Growing up, I tended to repress and bottle up emotions like anger or sadness until they would burst out, and this carried into adulthood – picture some not-so-pretty fights with said boyfriend – or they would come out in passive aggressive ways toward friends and family.


Then there was stress and anxiety caused by fear. For instance, after fainting once in high school, I developed a fear of fainting while at concerts or on long drives. One time in college I had to pull over multiple times during a 75-minute drive because I was having a panic attack and thought I was going to faint. And of course, there was more. From anger at reading the news to fear about relationships ending to shame about my body, I was holding onto a lot of negativity.


Then meditation came into my life.


I started with short meditations and everyday mindfulness practices like just paying more attention to what I was doing in the present moment. Then I completed a 10-day silent meditation retreat in 2016 – no talking, no phones, no books, no distractions – and witnessed just how crazy our mind can be, constantly living in the past or the future, and began to seriously train my brain to choose presence and positivity.


Then I had a devastating breakup in 2019.


Knowing I had tools to support me, I immediately leaned into the pain. With the help of meditation, coaching/therapy, spiritual books, yoga, support from loved ones, and a whole lot of crying, I was able to let go of immense fear, grief, anger, guilt, and other difficult emotions. All of that freed up space was replaced with love, gratitude, acceptance, and compassion. I experienced firsthand how powerful healing your mind, body, and soul can be, and the immense peace and joy it can bring into your life.


The following year, after 6 years of working as an editor for a travel website (where I got to photograph/review hotels!), COVID-19 effectively paused the industry and I was laid off from my job. It was the push I needed to make my passion and hobbies become my career. So I earned my mindfulness and meditation teacher certification, my yoga teacher certification, and enrolled in a year-long coaching program.


Mind Body Soul Travel combines all the things I love in one. It's a place to apply for my three-month customized coaching program, sign up for my 21-day meditation/journaling programs, and a resource for books, articles, spiritual leaders, etc. that may prove beneficial to you. And one day, it'll be a place to sign up for wellness retreats held in beautiful places around the world.

I'm deeply passionate about all things that nourish your mind, body, and soul, and I hope I can share some of it with you.
 Trust me, it can and will change your life.


xo Lara

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